The blogosphere statistics and the percentage of the topics which bloggers are writing about nowadays have generated by Blogpulse as shown below.
Further information, please visit: <>.
Nowadays, bloggers use twitter especially in US much more than does the generation population.
Source by: Nielson 2010
Twitter, Global Impact and the Future of Blogging
Nowadays, bloggers use Twitter especially in US much more than does the general population. The users of Twitter say they do so to promote their blogs, bring interestings links to light, and to understand what people are buzzing about. This website found out that 50% of Part Timers say they use Twitter to market their businesses. The remaining users of Twitter, they would prefer interacting with companies (24%), politicians (11%), and celebrities (9%), are much less popular (Sussman 2009). Can get further information through: <>
Source by: Sussman, Technorati State of the Blogosphere 2009
Top 2 Blogs in US
In Search Engine Journal (2007), it pointed out the Top 10 Blog Sites in US. You can visit this <> to get further details. However, I would like to discuss the Top 2 Blog Sites which are and
Nowadays, Twitter has become one of the business tools
Those days, everyone has discussed the business benefits of using Facebook, hence now let's examine the business benefits of using Twitter. Twitter gives
you instant access to millions of users that you can target and attract to your page if you play your cards right and market your business well (Net Money Inside, 2010).
Hence, we can see the importance of Internet Speed and the need for infromation in real-time which are easily obtained by services such as Twitter. There
are 15 business benefits of Twitter you can find here, < > but I will only pick one of it as stated below:
" Participating in Industry Conversation - your target audience and/ or potential prospects is on Twitter where they may be discussing their frustrations or are communicating
positive experiences. Why not be a part of that? Participate in the conversation when it makes sense to do so (Marketing Jive 2009)."
Reference List
Marketing Jive 2009, " 15 Benefits of Using Twitter", viewed 15th April 2010,
Net Money Inside 2010, "Discover the Business Benefits Twitter Marketing Has to Offer You", viewed 14th April 2010,
Nielsen 2010, "BllogPulse", viewed 14th April 2010, <>
Search Engine Journal 2007, "Top 10 US Social Sites and Blog Sits Ranking Issued", viewed 15th April 2010, <>
Sussman, M 2009," Twitter, Global Impact and the Future of Blogging," viewed 14th April 2010, <>
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